1. Legal information

Information on the change of custodian and accounting manager for funds managed by 50 Partners Gestion

We would like to inform you of the merger of 50 Partners Gestion's current fund providers within the CACEIS group.

The Funds' accounting manager, CACEIS Investor Services France S.A., and the Funds' custodian, CACEIS Investor Services Bank France S.A., have merged into CACEIS Fund Administration and CACEIS Bank respectively.

The aim of these mergers, which took place on May 31, 2024, is to simplify the legal structure of the CACEIS Group.  

CACEIS Bank is now the Funds' custodian and CACEIS Fund Administration is the accounting manager, under the same conditions as previously.

1.1 The publishing company

This website is managed by 50 Partners Gestion

SAS with capital of €481,750.00

Registered office: 62, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 75001 PARIS

RCS Paris B 508 000 700

Management company approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers under n°GP-20000037

APE Code: 6630Z

Intra-Community VAT: FR 40 508 000 700

E-mail: contact@50partners.fr

The publication manager is: Jérôme Masurel

1.2 Website host

The 50partners.co.uk website is hosted by

Amazon Web Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 81226 Seattle,
WA 98108-1226


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Users' personal data is stored exclusively in the data centres ("clusters") located in EU member states of Amazon Inc, whose registered office is at 10 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA.

1.3 Copyright

The use of any document from the https://www.50partners.fr/ website is authorized solely for information purposes and for private and personal use. Any reuse, reproduction, retranscription or modification for any other purpose is expressly forbidden without prior written authorization from 50 Partners Gestion - 62, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 75001 PARIS.

1.4 Responsibility and liability

50 Partners Gestion makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information published on this site, and reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. We therefore warn the visitor that it is up to him or her to verify the information by other means, including by contacting us. Consequently, we decline all responsibility: for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the site; for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the site.

Websites outside 50 Partners Gestion that have a hypertext link to this site are not under the control of 50 Partners Gestion, which therefore declines all responsibility for their content. These links do not in any way constitute an approval or partnership between 50 Partners Gestion and these sites, which are subject to their own terms of use and privacy protection policies.

 All products, brands, logos and images mentioned in this site belong to their respective companies.

No information contained on this website or any external link should be construed as an invitation to invest in a fund managed or advised by 50 Partners Gestion.

1.5 Personal data

As part of its services, 50 Partners Gestion may process personal data concerning the customer, to which the customer consents.

Pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, 50 Partners Gestion undertakes to collect and process the data collected only with regard to the processing purposes agreed between 50 Partners Gestion and its customer, to preserve its security and integrity, to communicate this information only to third parties to whom it would be necessary to transmit it in performance of the agreed services, and more generally to act within the framework of the regulatory requirements to which it is subject. The customer is informed that he has the right to ask the data controller for access to his personal data, their categories and recipients, the length of time they are kept or, failing this, the criteria used to determine this length of time, their rectification, deletion and portability, as well as the right to request a limitation of the processing of his personal data, by simple request on a durable medium (letter, email, etc...).

All inquiries should be addressed to 50 Partners Gestion, 62 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 75001 Paris, 01 84 17 04 19, rgpd@50partners.fr

1.6 Cookie declaration

By using the 50partners.co.uk website, you agree to us placing marketing cookies on your device if you validate your consent by clicking on the "Accept" button on the cookie banner that is presented to you when you arrive at the site. If you refuse, only those cookies that are essential to the operation of the site will be placed.

The user has the right to access, withdraw and modify personal data communicated through cookies under the same conditions as those indicated above.

List of essential functional cookies:

Weglot - Allows you to remember your language preferences when browsing the site

Consent Cookie - Allows you to remember the user's consent to cookies and not display the banner again

List of marketing cookies :

Google Analytics - Allows analysis of the use of the website by its visitors. Privacy policy here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=fr-CA

Google Tag Manager - Facilitates marketing operations to be performed via the website

Facebook Pixel - Allows customisation of editorial content on Facebook based on page views. Privacy policy here: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=ads

2. Regulatory information

1.1 Claims management and processing policy

50 Partners Gestion has established and maintains an operational procedure for the rapid and efficient handling of customer complaints.

In the event of any difficulty or disagreement relating to an investment service provided by 50 Partners Gestion, you may contact your usual contact, the Chairman, or send a letter to the following address: 62, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau75001 PARIS.

By e-mail: or by mail to contact@50partners.fr (with the following subject line: Customer complaint)

The management company will acknowledge receipt of the claim within a maximum of ten working days from receipt of the claim, unless the customer (or partner) receives a response within this period.

Unless special circumstances arise and are duly justified, it will provide the customer (or partner) with a professional and easily understandable response within a reasonable timeframe (maximum two months) following receipt of the complaint.

The claims handling process is sequenced as follows:

- File processing (with acknowledgement of receipt within 10 days)

- Drafting of response letter (2 months maximum)

- Claim follow-up and file closure

- Archiving exchanges

In the event of dissatisfaction with the handling of a claim, the customer may contact a mediator, including the AMF Mediator. The AMF Mediator can be contacted as follows.

- Autorité des marchés financiers

Mrs Marielle Cohen-Branche

AMF Ombudsman

17 place de la Bourse

75082 PARIS CEDEX 02

> Mediation Charter
> Mediation form
> Mediation file follow-up

1.2 Conflict of interest prevention and management policy

> Consult our policy on preventing and managing conflicts of interest

1.3 Shareholder engagement policy

> Consult our shareholder engagement policy

1.4 ESG policy

> Consult our ESG policy

1.5 Compensation policy

> Consult our compensation policy